Roma-Napoli, Mourinho: “I didn’t like Irrati, but I don’t criticize him. Napoli won without deserving it”

The Roma coach stings Lozano (“he always dives”) and complains about the lack of depth of the squad

José Mourinho does not lose his usual ability to scratch in the post-match. After the defeat of his Roma at home, he acquits his team, does not condemn the referee and teases Napoli (“he didn’t deserve to win) and Lozano (” the one who always dives and is always on the ground, what’s his name? , Lozano … “).” I do not want to speak ill of the referee – Mou said -, Irrati is a serious and balanced man, I have also appreciated him in other matches. I didn’t like things and I told him calmly at the end of the game, but I don’t want to criticize him because he’s always a man you can talk to with confidence. I can say about the match that Napoli won without deserving it and mine lost without deserving it. “


Mourinho then analyzes the match. “Ours was a performance enough not to lose. I wanted to win the same way they did, with a couple of shots and a goal. Difficult but controlled game. We had fatigue in several players. I had few solutions on the bench. Karsdorp played the starter but did not have 90 minutes, like Spinazzola. Pellegrini also asked me to change because he had a problem with his flexor. Matic was injured and did not train all week, but he gave me availability for 10 hours. 15 minutes. In any case, we controlled the game against a great team and mine did everything possible. Whoever scored a goal won and they did it. We lowered the pressure due to tiredness in the second half, after 65 ‘/ 70’ they went up because we dropped a lot and we had a bench with 4/5 Primavera and with Vina who had to go to the right. With our squad just a few injuries are enough to go into difficulty “.
