Roma-Milan, Mourinho: ‘More proud than sad. But they are two lost points’

The Giallorossi coach after the draw with Milan: “Only we know how to play a game like this with these difficulties. Another injury? Well, the Giallorossi have won the Scudetto”

The draw with Milan, achieved in added time with Abraham’s goal and Saelemaekers’ reply, makes José Mourinho proud: “Only we, with what we have built, with who we are as a team, can play a match against Milan as this. We are not a rich squad and we have lost two other players to injury. Only we, with all these difficulties, can do this race, fighting for an incredible goal which would be to finish fourth, only for this reason I’m more proud than sad. We are there, we do everything we can do. I am a proud coach. One point gained or two lost? Two points lost.”

The feminine

Abraham’s goal seemed to have sealed the game. “I’m obviously sad because the three points seemed close, but I’m more proud than sad,” added Mourinho. There are coaches who play the way they want, choose tactical systems, players who can offer different solutions. We have to build game after game with what we have available. These guys are fantastic.”

the joke

Kumbulla’s injury adds to the difficulties in defense. And Mourinho jokes about the possible change of formation: “I have the women’s team that won the championship today, it has a central defender who used to play for Bayern Munich (Wenninger ed). Maybe he can help us…”.

the controversy

A couple of stings from Mourinho: “I hope in the future that when I get disqualified I’ll be able to go on the bench because they owe me two games (referring to Serra’s referral for the Roma-Cremonese case, ed), my two games will he give them back to me?” Then he takes it out on Paratici: “He resigned, poor man, he lost his job and now he can work again. Juve yes 15, no 15, another 15… In my thoughts I have always thought of Juve with + 15, but I have to say that Allegri scored those points on the pitch. But carry on like this, let’s have fun…”.
