Roller skates on and go: during the Zoete Skate Night you skate together with fellow citizens

How fun is this! In Zoetermeer you can roller skate and rollerblade in groups since this summer (with music!). Two enterprising Zoetermeerders came up with the Zoetermeer Skate Night. Everyone can participate for free and for nothing.

Martijn Wintermans and his sister Lois heard about skate tours in other cities. “Why not in Zoetje, we wondered. We set a date and I arranged flyers and put it up social media. The first Zoetje Skate Night was on June 29,” says Martijn.

Martijn Wintermans and his sister Lois. Photo: Private

More and more people are participating

That first night was an instant success. About sixty enthusiastic skaters reported to the clubhouse of FC Zoetermeer. “We work together with the football club and can use the canteen for a drink afterwards. Since the skate tour is free and registration is not necessary, it was also a surprise to us how many people came.” The second skate evening followed in July, where more than seventy skaters rolled around.

Boxes with exciting music

The route is twelve kilometers long and starts at Scheglaan 11. “We skate towards the Balijbos and Pijnacker, on quiet and straight paths. One is more practiced than the other. But we take that into account.” Martijn and three others are cycling along as guidance. They also take boxes with uplifting music for on the go. “At intersections, we stop traffic so that everyone can cross safely. The trip is at your own risk, but of course we want everyone to return safely,” explains Martijn.

Falling out is returning yourself

Twelve kilometers is quite a long way but there are few dropouts according to Martijn. “Sometimes children join in who can’t keep the distance. Then it’s time to return on your own. We chat along the way and are very active. It’s fantastic to see how you get people moving in this way. And skating is just great fun, it’s like playing outside. Much more fun than cycling and walking,” he says with a laugh.

Skating and a DJ

The next Zoetje Skate Night is on Thursday 4 August. “I am counting on slightly fewer people because it is summer vacation. But there could be another sixty people, or maybe a hundred.” A skate evening with a musical touch is on the program on Thursday 25 August. “After the game, we go to the football canteen together for a drink, chat and listen to music. That night there is a DJ playing records.”

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