Rogue completes comeback and beats Fnatic

Rogue defeated Fnatic 3-2 in the playoffs of the European League of Legends LEC in a tight series. After the comeback in the final of the upper half of the tournament, the team is the first finalist.

“It feels so good to have done the reverse sweep. The mentality that we showed was insane,” Rogue midlaner Emil “Larssen” Larsson said in the post-game interview. “Last year we broke down mentally every time we were behind. But now we are stronger and we have so much trust in each other.”

Fnatic gets off to a better start

The duel between the two teams that had occupied the first two places in the regular season was eagerly awaited. While the top spot went to Rogue, due to a stronger second half of the season, quite a few saw Fnatic as the favorite for the spring title.

At the start of the series, everything initially went according to plan for Fnatic. Although Rogue fought back strongly, and even got the Elder Dragon and a Baron from behind, a team fight was enough for Fnatic to tear down the opposing base.

Rogue shifts up a gear

The second game remained a close exchange for a long time, but again Fnatic was the team that ended up with better control of the map. There was only one game left for the final.

But from the third game, Rogue was in top form. The team pinched and closed early on, only to get stronger after that. In the fourth game, Rogue completely dominated, equalizing after just 23 minutes.

Little tension in game five

The decision was made in the fifth game, in which Rogue again didn’t allow anything and confidently played an early Baron to victory.

After the “reverse sweep”, the team is in pole position to participate in the international MSI tournament in South Korea.
