Roger Federer’s amazing career is coming to an end

The amazing career of tennis great Roger Federer will come to an end next week.

41-year-old Roger Federer will focus on family life in the future.

Roger Federer has announced that he will end his tennis career. The sports legend tells about his decision with a voice message published on his own Twitter account.

The Swiss will say goodbye to the public at the Laver Cup next week, where teams from Europe and the rest of the world will meet.

If you don’t see the embed, you can watch it from here.

Generally recognized as one of the greatest athletes of all time, Federer won 20 Grand Slam titles in his career and held the top spot in the tennis ATP list for 237 weeks between 2004 and 2008.

Barely 20 years ago, Federer, who broke into tennis’ brightest elite, had a merciless struggle over the years with the Spanish Rafael Nadal with the kingship of the species. Later, he completed the three large coplas Novak Djokovic.

The masterful ruler of his last Grand Slam reached his one-handed knuckle at the Australian Open tournament in 2018. Federer, who is very popular among his fans, says that the decision to quit was made due to health concerns experienced in recent years.

– As many of you know, I have had three challenges in the last year in the form of injuries and surgeries. I have been working hard to get into my best racing condition. At the same time, I also know the capacity and limitations of my body, and its message to me has been clear, he states in his message.

– This is a bittersweet decision because I will miss everything I got from the Tour. But there is so much to celebrate. I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world. I was given a special gift to play tennis and I did it at a level I could never have dreamed of and for much longer than I could ever imagine.

Federer and his wife Mirka have four children together.
