Roeselare ships is team leader B-Fast in Turkey

Roeselare ships is team leader B-Fast in Turkey

Matthijs studied nursing and until recently held a director’s position at Sint-Andreas Hospital in Tielt. Helping with disasters such as the earthquake in Turkey is no stranger to him.

The Belgian team built the hospital in the city of Kirikhan, right next to the modern hospital there, which is partly no longer operational due to the earthquake. Matthijs Samyn, Team Leader B-Fast: “I am the team leader. I actually manage the team of 100 people. It is very intense. I also want to show my solidarity towards the Turkish population. On the other hand, we are very happy that we were able to build a field hospital so quickly.”

Two weeks

The hospital can care for up to 100 patients per day. The Turkish population is quickly finding their way to the field hospital. “The things related to the earthquake are fractures or fractures that have yet to be rectified by our orthopedist. Furthermore, there are also people with wounds that are infected that we clean and treat under full anesthesia. There are also patients who are sick due to live outside in extreme cold.”

Matthijs used to work at the Sint-Andreas hospital in Tielt. He has often accompanied humanitarian disasters. The team will now stay there for at least two weeks.
