Roeselare resident Thomas Swannet is the new editor-in-chief…

After graduating from Ghent University, 48-year-old Thomas Swannet started as an editor and journalist at Sporza. From 2009 onwards, as editor-in-chief, he coordinated programs such as Vive le vélo, Sportgala, race frameworks, God in France, Lucien’s summer, European and World Cup football, Cycling Club Wattage, Extra time and many others. “Thomas has already made his mark in the sports department. He is a connecting figure with a very strong drive,” explains general editor-in-chief Information Liesbet Vrieleman.

“I have enjoyed being editor-in-chief for 15 years now and I set out substantive lines and manage an editorial team, with an eye for creative initiatives within budgetary possibilities. Now I’m really looking forward to the next step,” says Swannet.
