Roeselare remains unbeaten after victory in top match against Maaseik

Roeselare remains unbeaten after victory in top match against Maaseik

The first three sets were very exciting. Roeselare won sets 1 and 3 with 25-20 and 25-22 respectively, Maaseik won the second set with 22-25. In the fourth set, however, the Limburgers folded and it was 25-12. Thanks to the win, Roeselare remains unbeaten in the lead in the standings.

In the shadow of the topper, the surprising Ghent won 3-0 (25-21, 25-21 and 25-18) against Achel. Vice champion Menen meanwhile remains on the bum. It suffered its fourth defeat in a row, 3-1 at Borgworm, and is last in the ranking with zero points. The set positions in Borgworm were 15-25, 26-24, 25-19 and 25-19.

On Tuesday, Haasrode Leuven already won 3-2 against Aalst in a forward game of the fourth match day.

Next weekend there are the quarterfinals of the Belgian Cup. The small Berg-op Wijgmaal receives Menen and Borgworm moves to Hemiksem-Schelle. Furthermore, there are again two toppers: Gent-Roeselare and Aalst-Maaseik.
