Rodríguez Larreta with official girlfriend: Milagros Maylin, the new first lady of the City

Miracles Maylin happened overnight to be an obligatory subject of the main media in the country. It happens that her boyfriend, the head of the Buenos Aires Government, Horacio Rodriguez Larretadecided to make the relationship official and told about it in a television interview.

The official version is that they would be a couple since June of this year, when they began to meet outside the workplace.

She works in the Government of the City of Buenos Aires since 2015 and the first time he saw Rodríguez Larreta in person was on May 10, 2016 during an event called “Third Age Ideaton”, organized by the Buenos Aires administration in order to add ideas and solutions to give older adults greater digital inclusion.

In the interview with the journalist Luis Novaresio, Rodriguez Larreta He stated that he is in a relationship and in love: “Her name is Milagros. It does me very well. I feel that it relaxes me, it destructures me. You saw that sometimes I’m kind of rigid, hard. I feel that she softens me, I feel that she does me good. She is a woman super committed to her work, very intelligent, passionate. We laugh a lot, she makes me laugh. She has a positive energy, she transmits good vibes to you. She does me good in that sense. Very sensitive, very familiar”.

Larreta said that she works in the City Government as Secretary of Comprehensive Welfare and Senior Citizens, under the wing of the Minister of Health Fernan Quiros. “Before, he worked a lot with María Eugenia Vidal in the Province -he continued displaying his CV-, he was in charge of the entire shantytown integration program”.

“Can you imagine a campaign together?” Asked the journalist. and Larreta Perhaps he anticipated what will be the DNA of his proselytism for 2023: “Yes, yes. I imagine you will come with me. As I say, she does me good. It softens me, it relaxes me”.

Both Rodríguez Larreta and Milagros Maylin come from separations. He broke up with the wedding planner Bárbara Diez, the mother of her two daughters, and she was about to start building a house in a gated community in the North Zone with her ex-boyfriend. When it was all over, the lot was sold to Jorge Triaca, Mauricio Macri’s former Labor Minister.

maylin He migrated to Vidal’s management in 2018. With the governor, in addition to a good employment relationship, he established an excellent personal relationship. Vidal and his partner Enrique Sacco were some of the accomplices of the new couple, with whom they shared meals. Another who joined these private gatherings was the president of the Buenos Aires Legislature Emmanuel Ferrario and his wife, friends of Maylin.

The first image that emerged from the couple was published by the Infobae portal and taken a few days before the romance was made official. It was dinner with Vidal, Ferrari and their respective partners on the grill Don Julio, from Palermo. The first public appearance could happen in an activity at the Teatro Colón. The City’s communication teams work overtime so that everything that concerns the couple’s communication is previously planned.

Worked. During the pandemic, Maylin joined the Covid Strategic Table of the City Government, and took over the coordination of the testing and vaccination centers. There, the now First Lady of the City regularly shared meetings and encounters with a table of ten officials headed by the Head of Government and the Minister of Health.

Maylin has a degree in Communication Sciences from the Austral University and before turning to the public service, she worked for nearly eight years at Telefónica de Argentina.

He shares his passion for Racing Club de Avellaneda with the head of government.

Today they live in separate houses. She in Recoleta and he in the apartment that her friend Juan Bosch lent him after the divorce. There are no cohabitation plans yet. That will be a conversation for 2023.

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