Roder Boekenmarkt also reaches children outside its walls

There has been a queue all morning in front of the Roder Boekenmarkt. The organization wants to have a maximum of 150 visitors. A remnant from the corona era that actually went well, says chairman Arie van Klei.

“We’ve had times when we let more people in, but then buying is more difficult. Then you can no longer search, no more pleasant shopping. That means that there are constantly 150 people walking around in the room.” The chairman estimates the number of books at approximately 50,231. “I lied about that earlier today,” laughs Van Klei. “But we say about fifty thousand books.”

The 8-year-old Inge is now at the picture books. “I don’t read that much, but I really like it.” She is mainly looking for funny stories, but is not impressed by the picture books. “They are for small children,” she says critically.

For the children’s books for older children, she has to be on the other side of the hall. There, Yoel and Rehobot go through all the closets. Rehobot is looking for thin books that she can read herself. “Because I’m already in group three, so that’s why I can read very well.”

Yoel already has a few genres in mind for his next book. “If it’s about jokes, or if it’s a little bit exciting, I like it.”

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