Rode Kruis krijgt 120 goudstaven who were in trein achtergelaten in Zwitserland | Buitenland

The International Committee of the Rode Kruis (ICRK) received 120 governments that had been found in a trip to Switzerland, so the authorities were notified. The politie bred tevergeefs for four years to the own aar of the mysterieuze goudschat.

A train was sent from October 2019 to a plastic bag on a train from Sankt Gallen to Lucerne. In the zak zat een wit pakket met daarop “Waardevolle voorwerpen ICRK” written. The package was 3,732 kilos in weight in front of 120 small staves, depending on the park in Lucerne.

Het goud noteerde donderdag ongeveer 56,000 euros per kilo. The “schat” is expected to be around 210,000 euros.

After a long period of time, there are no longer any legal requirements for the authorities. “If it is good in a package that is addressed to the ICRK, we can make changes to the specific nature of the organization that will be overhand. Because the package to the ICRK has been overhanded, it has been parked.
