Robot cops appeared on the streets of New York

However, robot policemen are not destruction machines equal to Robocop.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams gave a speech at the unveiling of the security robot. MediaPunch /BACKGRID/AOP

A dystopian sight appeared in New York’s Times Square on Tuesday when robot policemen, or more precisely security robots, came to support the police force. However, these are not cyborgs like the Robocop movie, but more like Star Wars’ R2-D2 droid, white robots moving on wheels.

The robots are known as the “autonomous safety robot K5”. The robots were developed by the American robotics company Knightscope. Robots are according to the company’s brochure 1.5 meters high, and their maximum speed is 5 kilometers per hour. These street security guards are able to operate completely autonomously and also apply for charging independently.

The autonomous security robot K5 looks futuristic. Lev Radin/Pacific Press/Shutterstock

With the robots’ speed, it’s hard to catch thieves. However, the robots are able to shoot the GPS tracker at the fleeing car. They also collect traffic data, which they share with the police.

According to the New York City Government, the robots are in use on a seven-month contract. The price for this will be a little over $12,000. The police also monitor the robots’ activities on site.

Robotics used by police officers

In addition to security robots, decommissioned robot dogs were also taken back to the police force. The mayor of New York is behind the project Eric Adamswho has a background in the police force.

– Digidogs are out of the enclosure, Adams stated.

The police robot dog is supposed to be used possibly in hostage negotiations and in anti-terrorist activities.

Adams has also announced that he will restore order back to the streets of New York. The removal of robot dogs from the use of the police force took place under the previous mayor Bill de Blasio by 2021, as robot dogs received a lot of criticism.

The police department also introduced robot dogs. CNN

– We are looking for technologies around the world that would ensure the safety of the city for both the citizens and anyone visiting our city, Adams said.

According to the police chief, security robots or robot dogs will not use facial recognition technologies.

Reported about it New York Times.
