Robin Williams ’film character was confused at Paris Fashion Week

The popular movie character came to life at Paris Fashion Week.

This is how Robin Wiliams looked like Mrs. In the 1993 comedy Doubtfirena. AOP

Parisians could rub their eyes over the weekend as Mrs. stepped down the streets. Doubtfire. Robin Williamsin the character is remembered from the movie Mrs. Doubtfire – Father as an Inner, released in 1993.

In that film, Williams portrays divorced Daniel Hillard, who wears Mrs. An intern called Doubtfire so you can spend more time with your kids.

The hilarious comedy was awarded an Oscar for Best Makeup. Williams, who committed suicide in 2014, also earned the Golden Globe statue for his role.

Mrs. Behind Doubtfire is British drag artist Alexis Stone. He is known on social media for his showy style. Stone’s real name is Elliot Joseph Rentz.

The artist has released a short video from fashion weeks in which she introduces Mrs. Doubtfire.

If the video doesn’t appear, you can watch it from here.

The video by the drag artist gathers praise from the followers.

– This is so iconic, drag artist The Vivienne commented.

– Mrs doubtfire, is that you? The follower notes in the comment chain.

Stone’s Instagram account has several images of familiar characters he has created during his career. He has made himself into Queen Elizabeth and Pete Davidson, among others.

If the video doesn’t appear, you can watch it from here.

Comedian Robin Williams is known for his numerous characters during his career. AOP

The Emmy Gala saw a touching moment in 2014 in honor of the late Robin Williams.

Source: Entertainment Weekly
