Robin Tihi, Agon Sadiku and Tomas Galvez

Finland will play two national matches in January.

Agon Sadiku has quickly risen to the elite of Finnish football. PDO

Huhukajat will gather on Thursday after a long time for the January training camp.

This time, the Algarve region in southern Portugal has been chosen as the home nest of the birds of prey, where the program includes two matches against close neighbors.

On Monday of next week, Sweden will face Sweden, and a couple of days later, Huuhkajat will measure Estonia’s current mood.

The public has particularly praised the promise of three young Huuhkajat, Agon Sadiku, by Tomas Galvez and To Robin Tihinabout possible debuts in the A national team.

Due to their dual citizenship, the trio would also have the opportunity to represent another national team. Galvez could also choose England, Tihi Morocco or Sweden jersey. Sadiku actually played in November for Kosovo against Armenia and the Faroe Islands.

– They all had dual citizenship already when they played their first international match in a Finnish shirt, Huuhkajie’s team manager Joonas Vilkki says.

– It established their national team citizenship in Finland.

Vilkki is now talking about qualifying matches under UEFA, either at the under-17, 19 or 21-year-old level. Next week, the first national match for adults would be offered.

However, it does not change the situation for the trio in any way.

– You can request a change of national team citizenship from FIFA once, if the dual citizenship has already been valid for that first match.

The status remains

In practice, this is exactly the situation with Sadiku, Galvez and Tih. That is, even if they play next week Markku Kanervan under the auspices of the adult game, they still have the opportunity to apply for a change of futsic citizenship.

Of course, it is much more difficult in that case.

– The exchange can only be done once. At least three years have to pass since the last international match for the “old” country before a change can be requested, Vilkki continues.

– Fifa then goes through those documents and registers the exchange.

The story continues after the picture

20-year-old AIK-trained Robin Tihi is on the threshold of his Huuhkajat debut. PDO

This rule would practically lock the trio to Huuhkaji, because hardly any of them would want to be sidelined from national team activities for three years.

In addition, there may be no more than three matches played for the old association, and none of them should be in the EC or WC final tournament.

– Of course, three years must pass since the last national match, and those matches must not be more than three in total.

Kosovo’s mistake

The situation is also confused by the two international matches played by Sadiku in Kosovo’s shirt in November. It was probably a mistake on the part of the Balkans, because the team had not applied for a change of national team nationality.

– His right to represent the national team was never exchanged for Kosovo, Vilkki underlines.

In other words, Sadiku played for Kosovo, even though he was still Finnish according to Fifa’s accounting. Opponents would have had the opportunity to protest about a player without representation rights.

– I can’t say how they think there, but at least we find out very carefully before we fool anyone.

Tomas Galvez (right) represents Manchester City at club team level. PDO
