Robin slept in a hotel to be in time for the Ghost lock book

Early in the morning, hundreds of fans were already waiting in front of the doors of the Efteling on Monday morning. They queued for hours for an exclusive Haunted Castle book and pin that were sold that morning. Robin is from South Limburg and even spent a night in a hotel to be there on time: “It was a total battle this morning. People passed out in the queue and security was very busy.”

Written by

Tom Berkers

Robin sees it as saying goodbye to the attraction. “It is an unmissable attraction of the Efteling.”

Fans from all over the country gathered at the amusement park. So is Lisa: “I come from near Rotterdam, so it was quite a drive this morning. But after three hours of waiting I got it. It took a while, but then you have something.”

They are important souvenirs for fans of the Spookslot. Britt says: “It is an exclusive book that is only available this week. You must have that as a fan of the Efteling. I’ve been coming to the Efteling since I was a kid and therefore also to the Spookslot.”

The fans who have one of the 2500 books or 5000 pins are happy, but that is not the case for everyone.

Efteling informed Omroep Brabant in a written response that they had not expected so many people to want the souvenirs. They are sorry that some people had to be disappointed.

But there is good news, because Efteling has decided that there will be a second printing. An online order can be placed this week, so everyone has the chance to get hold of a keepsake. Some patience is needed, because the extra print run will only arrive in October.

The Spookslot will close on Sunday 4 September. The attraction makes way for a new creepy attraction called Danse Macabre.

ALSO READ: Rush on Haunted Castle Book and pin from the Efteling: ‘Madhouse!’
