Robin recorded with Viiv in Finnish – this is what happened to his international career

Robin and Viivi made a joint song.

There is a big world mood in the air when By Robin Packalen and Delayi sit down for an interview with Iltalehti. In addition to Robin, Viiv and the reporter, two representatives of the record company, who are in the room during the entire interview, squeeze into the small conference room.

– Atshuu, Viivi sneezes for the first time.

– What happened to you, Robin laughs.

Viivi explains how menthos gum makes you sneeze. True.

In 2019, Robin said he aims for an international career. The performance language changed to English, and Robin set off to pursue an international breakthrough under the name Robin Packale.

But not everything went as planned. The global corona pandemic prevented the scheduled appearances and promotions abroad.

– Exporting Musa abroad, where you cannot organize any events and when flying is not possible, that export is a bit of a challenge. It made me wonder if there are any alternative ways to get my music heard outside the borders without traveling.

Viivi and Robin made a song together. Jenni Gästgivar

Robin says that he is very much a “live type”, which means that his show must be seen live. The release of the album was postponed, and finally it was decided to split it into two parts.

– All in all, it’s a pity. But now the world is open, so let’s take baby steps again, let’s see where the wings take us.

And now Robin and Viivi are in an interview talking about their new song Ihana kipu. The song is, as the name suggests, in Finnish. It has caused quite a stir.

– “Why does it make it Finnish again”. Either way, you’re doing it wrong. I have not said that I will never sing in Finnish again. I said before the first international album that I wouldn’t sing in Finnish, but I didn’t say that I would never sing in Finnish, Robin says, emphasizing the word never.

– It’s just cool that you can do whatever you want, Viivi hums.

Robin tells how music is how you live. For Robin, music is a lifestyle.

– My Mindset is foreign countries, enkkumusa. I have wanted to develop that side and I want to develop it in the future as well.

So Robin is not burying his international career, on the contrary. Another English-language album is in the works, which is supposed to be finished next year.

The song Ihana kipu is a one-off release, side prog, as Viivi and Robin say. The idea had been brewing for some time, more precisely since last year, when Robin and Viivi appeared in the Laulu Rakkaudele program For elastic.

The story continues after the picture.

– There we talked that a team song would be nice. Last spring, we finally decided to get down to business. Rob times.

– We had no other expectations than that. But then the song became an ice-cold banger, Viivi says.

It’s a banger, Ihana kipu has been number one on Spotify since its release.

Tasty fish patties

When watching and listening to Robin’s performances, a Swede inevitably comes to mind Benjamin Ingrosso. Benjamin performs in both Swedish and English, he’s talkative like Robin, and they’re both always happy. On television, Benjamin has his own show.

– I see the similarities, but I can’t help them, Robin laughs and says that he has heard comparisons to Benjamin before.

– We have surprisingly similar music.

There is still no question of copying, despite the fact that Robin’s show Perfect Evening was one of Benjamin’s own TV shows as a reference.

– It’s a nice program. And Benjamin is a nice, carefree guy. The difference between us is that Benjamin knows how to make safka, Robin laughs.

– You fried those fish steaks very well. At least when you put enough swamp on it, says Viivi.

Viivi won no fewer than four Emma verticals last spring. Jenni Gästgivar

Throughout the interview, Robin talks and talks a lot. Viivi is a little quieter, but you don’t need answers from him either. The experience can be seen and heard from Robin, as crazy as it sounds to say, because Robin is only 24 years old.

Frontside Ollie’s breakthrough hit came out in 2012 and in the past 10 years, Robin has had time to see and experience everything in the Finnish music world, according to his own words.

On the other hand, 23-year-old Viiv has released one album, the time for a new album is next year.

The current world situation has also made Robin think about the point of making music at all.

– There is so much evil in the world and there are so many ways to help. Then I stated that this is something we know how to do. With Musa, we can alleviate the “general evil”. People can get strength from our songs and music. I think artists can best help by doing what they know how to do. Robin says.

Viiv and Robin’s Ihana kipu collected more than 341,000 listens in one day on Spotify, breaking the daily stream record of this decade. Jenni Gästgivar

UMK rumors

Robin is one of those artists who year after year has been rumored, or rather hoped, to participate in the New Music competition, aiming for a place as a Eurovision representative.

Rumors are circulating this year as well.

– I-I don’t…at least I’m not involved yet. Maybe we’ll see later. Then when the time is more ripe. It’s been asked for quite a few years, but not me yet, says Robin.

Viivi says directly that he is not involved either. In Viiv’s case, even recording in English is not attractive, at least not yet.

– But as has been said here, no doors should ever be closed, summarizes Viivi.

A wonderful pain appeared on 28.10.
