Roberto García Moritán: “Pampita gives me more security than politics”

“If there is something that Carolina does very well, it is to transmit enough security to me so that jealousy is not part of our relationship. Pampita gives me more security than politics because we chose the type of family we wanted to be, and we work every day to make this a very happy reality”, affirmed the Buenos Aires legislator, Roberto Garcia Moritanwhile his wife enjoys the European summer in Ibiza.

The economist was a trend in the last two weeks after being revalidated in Twitter with the skyrocketing price of the parallel dollar. García Moritán had predicted that he would reach the 400 pesos per blue dollar, and then he had been forced to correct himself: “maybe I exaggerated”. But the rise that marked the US currency since July 18 anointed him as guru.

“The government was already doubling the monetary base in 2021, we estimated that they were going to lose the election, and that this was going to generate a complex internal climate, economic policies oriented towards consumption and not production, with so much subsidy, with a weight on the cost of production, I knew that the panorama was not it was going to be easy. This brings more inflation, poverty, hunger, headache for all Argentines, and for SMEs”, said García Moritán.

“In ordered countries, where you don’t have all distorted With a brutal level of informal economy like ours, the exchange rate equation is in relation currency divided by reserves that you have Because you have to guarantee that you respond with something to the weight that you emit. In a situation where dollarization can take place, you have to think about how much is in circulation in relation to the reserve”, continued the economist.

Other colleagues had noted that this relationship between currency and reserves pushed the dollar to a mark above 400 pesos. “Argentina’s debt is almost 400 billion of dollars and many believe that because it is in pesos it does not generate an obligation, which is even worse than debt in dollars, which is cheaper. We continue to believe that the debt in Argentina is the Fund’s 50 billion, and we owe 8 times moreuntil we assume the responsibilities we are going to live with these types of ridiculous situations all the time, ”added Roberto García Moritán in the Disparador (Delta 90.3)

“The greatest challenge for the Government is to restore confidence and it is local market issue. Until Argentines believe again that this is a country where they can invest, generate work and develop vocations, it will be very difficult to leave. In order to pay retirees a more or less dignified retirement, you need four contributors for each retiree, we are very far from that”, he continued.

“Argentina has the terrible idea of ​​vindicating the things they do wrong. The verse of the internal market does not exist anymore. The richest countries in the world are those that have goods or inputs that the world demands. We have not managed to be competitive in other industries and politics messed with costs. This government is showing that Argentina can be Venezuela”, he insists.

“Argentina has enormous possibilities to get out of this, we have 11 unicorns that the world demands, a human capital with great value in the world. People no longer think in terms of the internal market, the mistake is in believing that stimulated consumption is an incentive for people to invest, because nobody does it in this context. It’s been 10 years since jobs have been created in the private sector, we need to produce what the world demands”, said the husband of Carolina “Pampita” Ardohain, who dreams of the possibility of eventually running for Mayor of Buenos Aires.

by RN

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