Robert Smith can’t wait for the new album

Robert Smith wants to release a new album before The Cure’s next tour. If that doesn’t work, the singer “doesn’t want to play at all”. The band wants to be on the road in Europe from October to December 2022 and also give seven concerts in Germany.

“We’re going to play songs from a new album at our next gig…or we won’t play at all!” Smith wrote via Twitter. “I’m dying to perform… well that means… my desire to release a new album is overwhelming!”

“I struggled more with myself to finish writing the songs on this Cure album than ever before”

The band’s last long-player to date, 4:13 The Dream, was released in 2008. In the meantime, Smith has spent a lot of time working on a new record. However, it wasn’t easy, as he said last year: “I struggled more with myself to finish the songs on this Cure album than ever before. We recorded twenty songs and I hadn’t composed anything. So, I was already writing something, but I ended up looking at it and I was like, ‘This is rubbish’.”

As a result, the musician almost threw in the towel. But really only almost: “Last year I gave up. I thought I can’t do this. That’ll all be instrumentals. And this year I slowly rowed back. Last year was difficult for a variety of reasons, not just the pandemic. But this year I wrote something I like.”

+++This article first appeared on


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