Robert Helenius told a harsh fact about his career

The boxers met after the match and there were no tears.

Deontay Wilder finished the heavyweight boxing match of Robert Helenius against with his first-round knockout. The Finn, who fell into the ring with glassy eyes, was quickly taken to be checked by a doctor, but nothing serious happened.

On Sunday, ESNEWS published a video in which Helenius and Wilder, who had recovered from the injury, met each other in a hotel. Wilder gave his former sparring partner Helenius a big hug. The feelings were on the American surface.

– Forgive me. I love you, Wilder manages to say.

Helenius consoled himself by regretting that he could not give a better resistance. At the same time, the Finnish Viking hinted that it’s time for him to hang up his gloves.

– I have to tell you: this was here. I am 38 years old and have been doing this for 25 years. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to take.

After these words, the men hugged again, and Wilder was in no hurry to let go of Helenius. At the same time, Wilder wanted to thank Helenius, who helped him progress towards championship matches.

Knocked out Robert Helenius shared hugs with Deontay Wilder. AOP/EPA

– You have been significant in what I am now. I respect you from the bottom of my heart. You have the heart of a warrior, that’s what I love most about you.

The boxers talked about things outside the ring and the importance of family. Wilder was seriously worried that Helenius would not be left alone after his career ended.

Wilder also hugged Helenius’ coach Johan Lindström and listened to the advice he gave. Later, Wilder described the thoughts he received in the ring.

– It hurt my heart to see you on the ground, because I consider you my brother. And I never want to hurt my brother, Wilder said.

The video can be seen below.
