Robert Bast (37) from Emmen is homeless and lives in his bicycle caravan

One video is about a day in his life, the other about how he separates his waste. “In total, about 2000 people have now viewed my videos.”

Bast can be found daily at Toolbox in the Rensenpark in Emmen for daytime activities. In addition to editing his videos here, he helps. “Now I’m painting the signs for a festival here in the Rensenpark. I really enjoy doing it. It’s also honest work, and it keeps me off the street and I have something to do during the day. Dan I’m not drinking beer somewhere,” jokes Bast.

He also thinks it is important to highlight Toolbox and the walk-in location of the Salvation Army. “Those two places are very important to me,” says Bast, while we are at the location on Verlengde Spoorstraat. Bast rings the doorbell and is let in. “Hi Robert”, an attendant greets him.

“I come here every morning to freshen up. And here is free ranja, coffee and tea. You can also eat for a small price,” he explains, grabbing a pancake. Living on a homeless income of 745 euros per month is not a lot of money. “Every Tuesday is pancake day and a volunteer bakes pancakes. So I like to come here on Tuesday.”

He finds it important to be open about his situation. Especially during this time, when, according to their own words, not everyone is equally good to their fellow man. He is therefore not ashamed to tell his story in front of our camera. Yet living in a bicycle caravan is certainly not his ultimate goal. He has to be out of the woods next week.

“The ranger discovered me last week,” says Bast. Too bad, he thinks, but: “It was also expected in the long run. What I do is of course not legal. I am now looking for a place, for example, in a farmer’s yard or something like that. My dream is to eventually to live in a tiny house. In nature I have peace of mind. In an apartment or terraced house in the city, my head goes in all directions.”
