Robbie Williams announces two new solo albums for 2023





In a podcast interview, Robbie Williams revealed that he wants to release two new solo albums. The podcast “Robbie Williams Rewind” has been produced by the two self-proclaimed “superfans” Matt and Lucy Champion since 2021. In the current episode, they interviewed Williams. They talked about the past, private matters, the lows and highs of his career, but also about the future. Williams shared with me that he would be releasing two albums “very soon.” One before the summer of 2023. Unlike on “XXV”, the focus will not be on processing old material. A first publication of old material like in the UNDER THE RADAR series is also not planned. So there will be completely new music by Robbie Williams.

Insights into the future

There should also be new air house music; Lufthaus is his current electrical project. However, it is uncertain whether Lufthaus will ever release an entire album. “It’s more of a live thing,” says Williams. He goes on to say that he has painted a lot and is also planning to build a luxury hotel in Dubai.

Concerts in Germany have been announced both for his solo tour and together with Lufthaus. The whole interview is available on Spotify and should also be available “soon” (as of January 9th, 2023). youtube appear because it was conducted via Zoom.




