Robbie Williams: “Angels” now with Beethoven AI

Robbie Williams has relaunched Angels. The song will be released this Friday (September 9th) as part of the greatest hits deluxe album “XXV” and was supplemented with Beethoven-style compositions using artificial intelligence (AI). The track was produced together with Telekom.

“Angels” (1997) is William’s best-known and most successful song. Track co-writer and producer Gay Chambers reformulated the basic structure. Eventually he got the idea that an algorithm for the intro should combine Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” with the song. The AI ​​was also responsible for the instrumental part.

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With the project, Telekom has set itself the goal of testing the limits of AI in the creative field in order to then be able to draw a conclusion about the authenticity of the art created. “It is an incredible honor for me to be associated with Beethoven – an artist of tremendous cultural importance, worth and excellence,” Williams said of the collaboration.

Telekom is also organizing a MagentaTV talk show in which Williams will go into detail about the creation of his new album and the new song “Angels (Beethoven AI)”. The show will be moderated by Johannes B. Kerner. The interview can be seen exclusively on MagentaTV from September 22nd. Telekom is also organizing a Muse concert on September 13 in Cologne. ROLLING STONE is giving away two tickets twice – here is the link to the competition.
