Robbery gang: Heerhugowaarder detained longer, Alkmaarder ‘does not succumb to filled cakes’

The Heerhugowaarder (26) who was recently arrested as the seventh possible member of the robbery gang will remain in custody for at least three months. He is suspected of being involved in the very violent robbery of an elderly couple in West Friesland.

On August 8, 2020, a group of men broke into a cattle dealer in the village of De Goorn. In the hunt for what is believed to be cash, he and his wife are severely beaten. Four men have now been arrested for this.

So the Heerhugowaarder, but also Deniz R. from Obdam, Glenn V. from Noord-Scharwoude and Mark V. from Opmeer. Those men are linked by the justice system to other robberies, such as the fatal one at Sjaak Groot from Berkhout – a village a few kilometers away from De Goorn.

Alkmaarder remains silent about co-defendants

In addition, two Rotterdammers are also linked to his death in June last year, just like a man from a village in West Friesland who killed himself with the murder weapon. deprived of lifeand Alkmaarder Dut M.

The latter was the first to be lifted from his bed in November by a large arrest team. This week he also had to appear in court (for the third time). It turned out that he was interrogated again in early July about the robbery on Sjaak.

Filled biscuit tactic

According to his lawyer, during that interrogation – despite the fact that the detective ‘tried to win him over with stuffed cakes on the table’ and asked moral questions – he did not reveal anything about the co-defendants.

Dut M. admitted in previous conversations that he was with the group to break into the 72-year-old Berkhouter, but because his fellow burglars made a lot of noise, M. would pass through all the gardens in the neighborhood before the deadly shot. have fled.

Images of that escape route were broadcast on Opsporing Verzocht. The public prosecutor states that he did know about the weapon and that he also met with the others before the robbery in a warehouse in Hoogwoud, from which videos of the weapon were sent.

He also had app contact with the deceased co-defendant. “That was about my purse with keys”, Dut M. said about it himself. Despite his lawyer’s request to let M. await the investigation at home, his pre-trial detention was also extended by three months.

Even more robberies

Then there were robberies in North Scharwoude in July last year – that was also shot at – and in 2020 at a gas station in Nieuwe Niedorp. A number of suspects are also linked to this. A family from De Noord (Heerhugowaard) was also badly beaten during a robbery in June 2021. None of the suspects have been linked to that yet.

It is not clear whether the 26-year-old Heerhugowaarder, who was last arrested, will be linked to other robberies in the future: at the moment he is only detained for De Goorn. His lawyer did not yet want to respond to NH Nieuws.
