Robbers casino in Made threatened staff with gun and knives

The police have shared images of the armed robbery at the Play World Casino on Kerkstraat in Made. On Tuesday evening Opsporing Verzoeken showed how three men looted a large sum of money there at the end of October.

The robbery took place on the night of October 30 to 31, just after midnight. Two employees, a man and a woman, were closing the case at the time. There were already no guests in the casino at that time.

When the employees brought in the last billboard, the three robbers stormed into the casino. The images show that one of them points a gun at the staff immediately after entering and loads it through. Moments later, he puts the gun to the head of the 51-year-old employee.

The other two robbers had large knives with them. They led the male employee to a storage room, where they forced him to open the safe. If he didn’t cooperate, they would kill him. But the man had only been working at the casino for a month and was not yet authorized to open the safe at all.

Telephone at Terheijden
In the end, the female employee managed to get to the money. Seven minutes after their violent entrance, the robbers make off again with an unknown amount of cash. They also took the phone of one of the employees with them when they fled.

Through the tracking app Find My iPhone, the police found out that they drove east on the A59 highway. The phone would probably have been thrown out of the car at exit Terheijden.

The police hope that the clear camera images may mean a breakthrough in the investigation. They also point out that one of the robbers had a mustache and wore a Givenchy shirt. According to the police, it is also striking that the robber with the gun seemed very young and nervous.

Not for the first time
It is not the first time that robbers have targeted this casino. It was also hit at the end of July last year. Employees of the casino were then threatened with a knife by two robbers and tied up.

A month earlier there was also a robbery at the casino. It then turned out to be staged by an employee of the casino, in order to run off with the money himself.

READ ALSO: Casino in Made robbed again: three masked perpetrators loot money
