Robber hits 57-year-old woman on the head several times with hammer in New York subway station Abroad

Nina Rothschild, 57, was attacked around 11 p.m. local time on Thursday evening by a man wearing a dark jacket and jeans. He would also walk with a cane. The facts took place at the Queens Plaza subway station. Rothschild was coming home from work and on his way home. Camera images show how the perpetrator follows the woman on the stairs of the metro station. Seconds later, the man kicks Rothschild and hits her several times on the head with a hammer, before finally making off with her handbag.

The victim suffered serious head injuries and several head injuries. Her brother, Gerson Rothschild, said his sister is currently recovering from the surgery. She is still said to be in critical condition. “She still remembers everything. She told me to just ‘stop!’ kept screaming, but the perpetrator just kept going,” Gerson said.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said the incident made him “very angry.” “We need to do something about the dangerous, violent and disrespectful people on our streets,” said Adams. The perpetrator is a homeless man, but is currently looking for further clues.

The attack happened a week after the official announcement of a new security plan in New York subway stations. For example, Adams wants homeless people to no longer spend the night in the stations. The main aim of the plan is to completely curb crime in the stations, ranging from robberies to fare evasion.
