Robber clears out hotel cash register and beats employees – manhunt!

Who knows this man?

Who knows this man? Photo: Police Berlin

By Sandra Schaffert

With a backpack and the money from the hotel cash register, a robber ran into a hotel in Moabit and hit a hotel employee as he escaped. Now the police are looking for the brutal robber with surveillance images!

crime scene: the lobby of a hotel on Alt-Moabit street. time of crime: April 18, 2022. What happened?

According to the police, a man wearing a baseball cap and a backpack entered the hotel lobby at around 11 a.m. – grabbed the backpack of a hotel guest and money in the middle three-digit amount from a cash box at the reception! Then he ran out of the lobby again.

The suspect apparently observed the luggage in the lobby

The suspect apparently observed the luggage in the lobby Photo: Police Berlin

A hotel employee tried to hold the robber in the entrance area of ​​the hotel and was able to snatch his backpack. During the scuffle, the man hit the young employee and fled.

Now the police are asking for help in finding clues to the robbery and asking:

► Who can provide information on the identity and/or whereabouts of the wanted man?
► Who saw the suspect before, during or after the crime?
► Who can provide further relevant information?

The police will take tips on the telephone numbers (030) 4664-273113, (030) 4664-273110 and (030) 4664-271100 or by e-mail.


Berlin Police Hotel Moabit police investigation robbery
