Rob Kemps less often on Insta because of nasty reactions: ‘Business’

Rob Kemps can be found less often on Instagram due to the negative reactions to his new relationship with Stephanie Klaver, he indicates. “But yes, people always want to see something from you.”

© Instagram

After that overdose of holiday photos with his new sweetheart Stephanie Klaver, Rob Kemps seems to want to compensate a lot lately. He continuously posts photos and videos of his young children, apparently to prove to people that he is indeed a good father. And no father who is only busy with his backup dancer.

‘People want this’

Wilfred Genee does not understand Rob’s Insta urge. “Why are you even doing that on Instagram? Why do you even put your personal life on Instagram? Why are you doing that?” he asks The Friday Move.

According to Rob, people want to know all this from him. “I usually notice that people enjoy seeing something, for example with your children. My son went to school for the first day.”

Lots of bullshit

Wilfred continues to find it strange. “It also causes you a lot of hassle, doesn’t it?”

Rob agrees. “Yes, that’s why I started doing it a little less. However, I have to be very honest: of course you also know a little about how it works, because you sometimes suffer from it yourself… The moment you post a message you get, just to name a few: , 6000 likes. So 6,000 people like it.”

Negative atmosphere

You especially have to look at that number of likes, Rob explains. “You will then receive 200 more messages from people who like it. And about 100 who don’t like it. When something is said about it, it suddenly becomes: ‘Yes, no one likes it.’ That then becomes a bit of the atmosphere.”

Does Rob not understand the criticism of the relationship with his new girlfriend? “Yes, but hey, new girlfriend… We’ve been together for almost seven months, you know.”

‘What does it bring you?’

Wilfred’s question remains: what does Instagram bring him? “Well, if the storm has subsided a bit and it would all be peace and fear, so to speak, for everyone, then people would really enjoy following it. That is the same as before with Peter van der Vorst and Over de Vloer. People always want to see something from you.”
