Rob Kemps leaving family is a drop for Angela de Jong: ‘Cliché’

Rob Kemps was already in the danger zone with Angela de Jong, but now that the entertainer has left his family, the most important TV columnist in our country is done with him. “How cliche!”


The image of Rob Kemps seeps towards the drain of the Hilversum media park. His image is crumbling at a very fast pace since Yvonne Coldeweijer revealed that he ‘abandoned’ his wife and two young children to get into bed with one of his background dancers. The first has been confirmed, the second not yet.


Angela de Jong already warned Rob in January that his favor factor is decreasing, but now, according to her, there is nothing left to save. She mentions him in her column in a row with Enzo Knol, Stella Bergsma and Yesim Candan, who are currently in the news. Him for misconduct in his Porsche, the ladies for their grudge against Today Inside.

Angela’s comment is ruthless: “The painful self-overestimation of people who have been on TV – or in the media in general – a few times with their heads.”

“How cliche!”

According to her, Rob has started to believe in himself a little too much. The celebrity shelf naturally does crazy things to people. Ordinary people who suddenly become famous often break up their relationship because all kinds of temptations can be around the corner. And that now also seems to have happened with Rob.

Angela writes in it AD: “The once so sympathetic party singer, eh -playbacker, has been so captivated by fame since he signed a contract with SBS that he not only considers himself a master interviewer, but has also put his girlfriend and very young children aside. How cliché.”

John also angry

Star private journalist Jan Uriot is also pissed at Rob, but for a different reason. He tells in the column What does Jan think that Rob is not a man of his word. “Rob Kemps promised this desk four years ago that I could announce him in GelreDome. Now he has given a concert, but he has not called me.”

Not nice, says Jan. “Then I think: what is that now? So our editors informed him about that, like: ‘God, I think you forgot to call Jan.’ Then we get to see the blue checkers, but he doesn’t respond. I find that so strange.”

Zero response

Reporter Jordi Versteegden, who sent Rob an app about this, confirms that: “Zero response.”

Jan vals: “Of course he was busy with that dancer. That could be.”
