Rob Kemps denies that he furiously called Today Inside

Rob Kemps denies that he has called furiously with the editors of Today Inside, as René van der Gijp claims. According to the presenter, it is nothing more than complete bullshit.

© William Rutten

René van der Gijp wanted a number of fragments from the Chansons! program yesterday in the Today Inside broadcast. by the duo Matthijs van Nieuwkerk and Rob Kemps. The football analyst thinks the gentlemen behave rather tacky and wanted to poke fun at it. At the last minute, however, the images were withdrawn.

‘Rob called angrily’

According to René, the images were already on the editing table when Rob called the editors angrily from his holiday address. “We already had it in here and cut it, but then Rob called at seven o’clock that we… Well, wish we had the Chansons program! wanted to make fun of it a bit.”

There was a lot of surprise at the table about René’s statement, after which he was asked whether Rob really called himself. That was subsequently confirmed again by René.

Kemps responds

Rob now lets us know via a message on Instagram that this is simply not true. “Just for the record: I didn’t call Gijp. I didn’t call anyone from the editors.”

Is Van der Gijp lying then? “I think Gijp is kidding. That’s okay. He has been doing this for almost twenty years. ??? And by…”
