Rob Goossens rakes up ‘vulgar’ past brand new Op1 star

Rob Goossens is criticized for bringing up a vulgar moment from the past of the brand new Op1 star Amber Kortzorg. “What a simple soul you have. Very cheap tweet.”


The talk show Op1 has a new presenter: Amber Kortzorg. She follows in the footsteps of Nadia Moussaid, who has left the program because she is getting her own show on the eve of NPO 1. It is not exactly a controversial name, but she does have a controversial past.

Naughty Amber

Amber has in the past worked for the extremely naughty TV show Spraying and Swallowing. Now that she is going to work for Op1, RTL Boulevard star Rob Goossens is only too happy to stir that up. He tweeted: “Very curious about Amber. She is not afraid: in 2013 she tasted the semen of four colleagues for a TV item.”

Rob is not thanked. For example, one Emiel says: “It’s a lame tweet, isn’t it?”

Rob then: “I just take every opportunity to put an NPO face in the spotlight with a heart for the cause.”

Chanceless and sexist

Sanne finds Rob extremely unsympathetic. “How disgusting you are too.”

Jari: “What a simple soul you have. Very cheap tweet, dripping with sexism.”

Actress Nienke ‘s Gravemade says succinctly: “Classy.”

And Telegraaf presenter Wilson Boldewijn is mainly in shock: “Omg.”

“Step too far?”

Rob’s tweet is correct, by the way. “Yes, it’s right. If you research it, you also have to research it properly,” Amber admitted in The Coen & Sander Show at the time.

Sander Lantinga surprised: “So, in short, you have tasted the semen of complete strangers?”

Amber: “Well, not completely strange.”

Sander: “Yes, colleagues.”

Amber: “Yeah, that’s what it comes down to, yes.”

Sander: “Don’t you think: gosh, isn’t that a step too far?”

Amber: “No, no, no, no, no. I did it for science. It has been good for something.”

Fruit eater

Coen surprised: “So what did the research reveal?”

Amber: “We had four men: an athlete, a smoker, a fruit eater and an average man. It turned out exactly what I expected: the smoker was the dirtiest and the fruit eater was the tastiest. So it’s just right.”

Sander: “Don’t you think you’ve gone a little too far?”

Amber: “No, dude. Don’t be like that… Come on hey! Surely that should be possible? I don’t really understand what people are fussing about. You’ve eaten out more than ten women in your life, haven’t you?”

Coen: “It still makes a difference whether you do that openly on television or not.”

Super awesome

When Amber is asked what her family thinks about it during that conversation, she replies: “They all think it’s super cool.”

Would she like to taste urine? “No, I’m not going to do that. Look, I don’t normally drink urine either.”

Sander: “And sperm does.”

Amber: “Yes, of course. Once in a while.”


Robert’s tweet:
