Rob Goossens lashes out at son Wendy van Dijk: ‘Nepobaby!’

Rob Goossens finds it laughable that Wendy van Dijk’s son keeps shouting that he wants to get there ‘on his own’, but is now on a PR tour with his famous dad Xander de Buisonjé.


It is extremely confusing: Sem van Dijk shouting in every program that he ‘wants to take the music world by storm on his own’, while his well-known father Xander de Buisonjé stands next to him. After their joint interview on RTL Boulevard, father and son were in the talk show Op1 last night.

Nepobaby Shem

Rob Goossens, one of the stars of RTL Boulevard, is very cynical about it. “So far, fake baby Sem’s plan to make it in showbiz without the help of his famous father is going very well,” he sneered on Twitter.

One Maris then: “You have to do something if your career doesn’t get off the ground after De Alleskunner. You will suddenly have to go to work 😖.”

Rob: “It came as a big surprise to me that De Alleskunner never led to a breakthrough. 😛”

RTL Nieuws director Renske Holwerda: “That video that he got that elderly cart was epic.”


Qmusic star Domien Verschuuren finds Rob’s criticism very spicy. “Savage“, he applauds.

Volkskrant columnist Alex Mazereeuw sarcastically: “And yet I will also really miss Op1’s always sharp, relevant choice of subjects.”

Rob: “I’ll be honest: me too. And I will tell you even more honestly; actually I have been missing it for a year and a half!”

Criticism of Op1

Op1 also receives a lot of criticism for the fact that they pay attention to this at all. “But seriously: one of the best interviewers in the Netherlands, Sven Kockelmann, is saddled with this,” says investigative journalist Kim van Keken.

And referring to the rumblings behind the scenes of Op1 (BNNVARA is stepping down as one of the participating broadcasters): “Wondering which politician has been canceled for this and which editorial quarrels preceded this. 🍿”

Media journalist Maarten Hafkamp in response to Sem and Xander’s performance: “I do understand BNNVARA.”


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