Rob Goossens lashes out at Halina Reijn: ‘I hate her!’

Rob Goossens lashes out extremely hard at Halina Reijn. He sees in the actress everything he hopes his own daughter will not become. “I’d like to share my hatred for her with the world.”


RTL Boulevard star Rob Goossens is one of the participants in De Slimste Mens this season. He made a very good start last night, because he was immediately the smartest of the evening and partly because of this Femke van der Laan was played home. During the game, Rob also talked about his literary ambitions.

Halina book

Rob says that he is thinking of a book about parenting. “I just had a daughter. At least, just… She’s from January and the moment you know that a child is coming, you get into a bit of stress. You have to raise your child perfectly and stuff, so then you start getting all those books and it’s all boring and it doubles.”

He continues: “At one point I thought: there must be something funny to do with that. Then I had in my head: if I write a book with the title ‘Becoming Halina Reijn’, and then each chapter something that characterizes Halina Reijn and what you have to do to let your child eventually become Halina Reijn.”

Five years

Does he really want to breed Halina Reijntjes? No, on the contrary. “It is then with the idea that if you turn all that around that you at least prevent your child from becoming like Halina Reijn.”

When host Philip Freriks asks Rob when he wants to finish that book, the Boulevard star indicates that he is in no rush. “This is a process. If it takes five years, that’s fine.”

“I hate Halina!”

Volkskrant columnist Sheila Sitalsing reacts critically. “There is now someone on TV who just has a new child and is going to write ‘a nice parenting book’, but then really original. If there was a god she would save us from any new parent who thinks someone is waiting for the million-billionth pulp from the million-billionth young parent,” she tweeted.

Rob then again: “There is now a Volkskrant columnist tweeting who is so humorless that she completely missed that my story was just a long run-up to share my hatred for Halina Reijn with the world. As if I’m really going to write that book, come on.”

Afraid of Angela?

Finally: isn’t Rob afraid of a critical column by Angela de Jong, whom he denounced, now that he is a candidate in De Slimste Mens, which she loves so much? “He’s on vacation ?.”

Rob’s tweet:
