Rob Goossens hits back at Özcan: ‘Letter writer not to be found’

Rob Goossens hits back at Özcan Akyol, who lashed out at him yesterday in Today Inside. “Keep swearing, but haven’t come back to the hard facts for 24 hours!”


An incredibly large conflict has arisen over the letters section that Özcan Akyol keeps in the VARA guide. One of those letters, a somewhat scary and salacious epistle about Fidan Ekiz, made the news and Rob Goossens responded to it. The TV connoisseur of RTL Boulevard suggests that Özcan makes up all those notes himself.

“Hello, Eus?”

Özcan doesn’t just let that be pinned on his sleeve and has hit back hard at Rob. Not only did he post the e-mail of letter writer ‘Machiel’ online as proof, but he also lashed out at Rob in Today Inside. According to the NPO star, Rob is an ‘unscrupulous person’.

The note war now rages on: Rob hits back at Özcan and shares a passage from one on Twitter WhatsApp conversation that they did yesterday. The Boulevard star writes: “Keep swearing, but haven’t come back to the hard facts for 24 hours… 👀 Hello, Eus? Is someone there?”

Word game

Rob turns it into a kind of wordplay in that WhatsApp conversation and claims that he did not literally say that Özcan made up the notes, but that someone else could also make them up. “You’re getting sewn up!” he yells.

Özcan makes no sense at all in Rob’s word game. He answers him in the chat: “Rob. Never mind. I thought you were still a serious journalist. So those times are over. Then we will know that too.”

Rob perseveres

Not a serious journalist?! Rob has researched everything about the alleged letter writer ‘Machiel’! He replies to Özcan: “I just checked this Machiel, or Chiel, (…) in Kadaster, Chamber of Commerce and checked which social media are linked to his email address. They are all zero.”

The media connoisseur continues: “He says he is a boomer, so in theory it is possible that he does not have his own company, his own house and no social media and is simply sitting in a cabin in the woods with one internet line that connects him with the letter section of the VARA guide. connects. So yes, it may exist. I just don’t believe that.”

“Does he exist?”

Rob even made a poll out of it. “Just a poll to stay on topic. This Machiel cannot be found via Google, the Chamber of Commerce and the Kadaster and also has no social media (not even under a different name with his own email address). Does he even exist?” he asks his followers. 78 percent think not.

But it’s possible that someone doesn’t have an online presence, right? Rob: “You are absolutely right about that. I certainly don’t rule out the possibility that it does exist. But because of the combination (content of letter too good to be true and untraceable author) I have my strong doubts about that.”

ghost writer

What does GeenStijl star Bart Nijman think? He tweeted: “Maybe it is his ghost writer!”

Rob: “If so, he can just say so! ‘Every Tuesday afternoon I go to the h**ren with Chiel’, is also sufficient. No questions asked. I am not saying that the letter writer does not exist, I just have my doubts.”

Özcan seems to have decided not to waste any more words on this discussion.


Robert the Dog:
