Rob Goossens destroys sister Olcay Gulsen: ‘Half a good-for-nothing!’

Rob Goossens finds C-stars who participate in the SBS 6 program De Alleskunners VIPS, including Olcay Gulsen’s sister, very sad. “Then you’re half a good-for-nothing!”

© SBS 6, RTL 4

The All-rounder VIPS is a successful program on SBS 6 in which famous Dutch people compete against each other during all kinds of infantile assignments. The fact that no less than 68 (!) stars have been tied for the current third season says it all: these are of course not A-stars like André van Duin and Chantal Janzen.

Dolshe Gulsen

You can’t even call most candidates B-stars. Think, for example, of Greetje Bosma, who seems to be known from the URK! program, or Marlane Dirksen, who is called a folk singer by the channel.

A family bond is also enough to participate, according to the participation of Dolshe Gulsen, not to be confused with the coffee brand Dolce Gusto. She is the sister of Olcay Gulsen. “The celebrity factor has clearly dropped even further this season,” says RTL Boulevard star Rob Goossens in his column in Veronica Superguide.


Rob finds the celebrity content to cry. “For example, I had to dig really deep until I remembered where I knew Stephanie Tency from (a riot over an unpaid hotel bill in Ibiza). The same was true for Dolshe Gulsen, who tried to outgrow the ‘sister of Olay’ label by buying Instagram followers.”

He continues: “And that’s just two of a total of 68 whole and half idlers struggling with simple questions like ‘how many i’s are in the word ruler?’.”


It is incomprehensible that these self-proclaimed celebrities are not ashamed to participate, says Rob. “Of course, everyone has a certain degree of vanity and that is greater than average in Hilversum.”

“But if you have to have such a humiliating program, then I would say: just stop. Apparently the Netherlands is not waiting for you.”


Dolshe with her famous sister:
