Rob Goossens deliberately remains silent about ‘cheating’ Simon Keizer

Rob Goossens deliberately kept silent on RTL Boulevard about the alleged promiscuous behavior of Simon Keizer. “I definitely make a moral assessment in that,” says the showbiz expert.

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After a period of rumors about the alleged cheating of Simon Keizer, weekly magazine Privé announced last week that Nick & Simon will stop as a duo. According to Yvonne Coldeweijer, it is clear what is going on here: “There has been a rumor for some time that Nick no longer wants to be associated with Simon’s bad image.”

Rob is deliberately silent

Rob Goossens thinks it’s all too much of a rumor to talk about it on national television. When he was allowed to comment on Nick and Simon’s solo plans in RTL Boulevard last week, Rob deliberately kept silent about it, he says in the program. The Press Stand on NPO Radio 1.

The media expert: “It would have been very easy to say at Boulevard: ‘Well, it seems that Nick wants to get rid of Simon, because Simon is a notorious cheater and he destroys the entire image of those two.’ That would have been a much juicier, tastier story, but I don’t know if that’s the background.”

viewers angry

According to Rob, it is quite possible that there is a completely different reason. “I think I know that life is not so clear that you make such drastic choices based on things like that.”

The viewers of RTL Boulevard have addressed Rob that he is hiding the rumors. “There are then angry viewers who say, ‘Hey Rob, haven’t you seen all those messages?’ Yeah, I just don’t find those posts that interesting. If Simon’s wife has an opinion about it and she lets you know, it will be interesting again.”

Moral consideration

Until Simon or his wife say something about it themselves, Rob is silent about it in RTL Boulevard. “Until then, I think it’s too sensational if you make that part of basically a professional breakup. (…) I definitely make a moral assessment in that regard. Of course, yes.”

He continues: “I am not going to say things that I think are probably not true or may not be true. In this case, maybe it’s true that Nick wants to get rid of Simon because he thinks Simon is stupid about things that happen outside of singing, but yeah, they’ve been a duo for eighteen years and they’re not the first to be at any given point. stop right now.”


Rob explained to viewers that Nick and Simon probably just got into a rut. The way he does that makes the viewer think, he thinks.

“People have seen things about cheating on the internet and I think that because of that Boulevard broadcast, there are also people who during the day still thought: Nick is completely done with that cheater, but at night thought: maybe it’s not like that again. exciting and they are just a bit done with each other without there being a fight.”
