Rıza Kayaalp won the silver medal at the World Wrestling Championship! – Last minute Wrestling news

At the 2023 World Wrestling Championship held in Serbia, national athlete Rıza Kayaalp lost to his Iranian opponent Amin Mirzazadeh in the Greco-Roman style 130 kg final and won the silver medal.

At the organization in the capital Belgrade, Rıza Kayaalp faced Iranian Amin Mirzazadeh in the final match of the Greco-Roman style 130 kilos.

Rıza Kayaalp, who has 5 world and 12 European championships in his career, showed a superior game against Mirzazadeh until the last moments of the match. While Rıza was leading 2-1 in the last seconds, Mirzazadeh carried Rıza off the mat and made the score 2-2. With this result, Mirzazadeh reached the gold medal with the advantage of the athlete who won the last point with a score of 2-2. Rıza Kayaalp remained in the silver medal.

The national wrestler became the world champion for the 5th time by defeating his Iranian rival Mirzazadeh in the final last year.


On the other hand, in the Greco-Roman style 82 kilo category, Burhan Akbudak lost 6-3 to Aues Gonibov, one of the individual neutral athletes, in the bronze medal fight and ranked 5th in the organization.
