RIVM reports 2,560 new positive corona tests in Drenthe

National figures

The number of newly discovered corona infections has fallen again nationwide, by just over 60,000. RIVM recorded 60,227 new infections between Saturday and Sunday morning. A day earlier, after correction, 70,348 new infections came to light.

In total, 857,372 new infections were recorded in a week. That equates to 122,482 on average per day. The number is always a bit lower on weekends. On Tuesday, RIVM reported more than 300,000 overdue test results in one go. The institute also indicated that day that the number of positive tests is starting to level off.

Seven new deaths have been linked to corona in the past 24 hours. This does not necessarily mean that these people have actually died in the past 24 hours, because it sometimes takes a while before a death from Covid-19 is reported to RIVM. In total, the number of deaths in the past week came to 72. That number has risen slightly in recent weeks. Three Sundays ago the number stood at 53, the following week at 58 and last week the total came to 62.


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