RIVM issues smog alarm due to very poor air quality

The RIVM has issued a smog alarm for the whole of the Netherlands for tomorrow because of the very poor air quality that is expected then. The institute takes into account that everyone can be affected by air pollution. People with respiratory complaints are advised to stay indoors and avoid strenuous exercise.

“This advice mainly applies in the afternoon and early evening, because that is when the air is most polluted,” according to RIVM. “Smog from ozone can lead to an increase in respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath, aggravation of asthma symptoms and a decrease in lung function. Irritation to the eyes, nose and throat can also occur. People with respiratory diseases, children and the elderly are relatively often sensitive to smog. .”

There is a chance of smog again on Wednesday, but the concentrations are expected to be lower, according to RIVM. There will be a smog warning instead of a smog alarm on Wednesday for people who are sensitive to smog. The chance of rain showers increases during Wednesday. This causes a gradual decrease in ozone concentrations.

Smog from ozone is created by the accumulation of air pollution on sunny days. The pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds, are converted into ozone under the influence of sunlight.
