River Phoenix, mom’s social memory

TO At 16 she was already a great promise of cinema, and at 19 she was nominated for an Oscar and Golden Globe. Known for his humanitarian and environmental commitment, so much so that he is called “the vegan James Dean”, River Phoenix – brother of actor and activist Joaquin – has remained in the memory as one of the beautiful and damned of Hollywood, symbol of the X Generation. Died from an overdose of speedball on Halloween night in 1993 while, together with his brother and other celebs of cinema and music, he attended a party in a club owned by Johnny Depp, his mother remembered him 29 years after his death on the day, August 23, which would have marked his 52nd birthday.

River Phoenix, the social memory of the mother

Arlyn Phoenix, who is now 77, posted a picture of the happy years on Instagram that shows her smiling with her son.

A portrait of tenderness in black and white, which he commented recalling how «on August 23, 1970 at 12.03 in a small town in Oregon called Madras, I became a mother. Fifty-two years ago I experienced a love beyond comprehension, which transformed my life and it has multiplied me in all my being ».

My guide on the path of life

River’s mother, so called by her parents as a tribute to the “river of life” Herman Hesse talks about in the novel Siddhartha, remembers that in recent years, through posts on Facebook, she has always “shared with others how much her life and his death influenced me. ” And the son “remains my guide on the path of life. When I remember the lines of a song that River wrote when he was only 15 years old Run to the rescue with love and peace will follow (run to help with love, and peace will follow, ed) I am always grateful for this inspiration. Inspiration that underlies the work of the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding ».

The non-profit organization that bears his name

The actor in 1993 (Getty Images)

The actor is also best remembered for its humanitarian and environmental interventions. In times when it was not newsworthy as it is now in the years of global warming, Phoenix had purchased 800 acres of rainforest in Costa Rica. Saving it from destruction. After his death, the family continued their commitment. And 10 years ago it was established a non-profit organization that bears his name and is responsible for raising awareness on the issues of peace and global sustainability.

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The memory of the sister

The actor was also remembered on social media by sister Rain, who posted on Instagram a photo of River with the wish “Happy birthday”. And therefore a quote from Henry David Thoreau. “In the death of a friend, we should think that fate has confidently entrusted us with the task of a double life with which, in our life, we must also keep the promise to the world of our friend’s life ». And then continue his work.

