risk of rain during the castañada

Catalonia will have thisand Monday, October 31 a day in which we can see everything, warm atmosphere at noon, wind in the north and, at the end of the day, probability of rain in many areas.

Starting at noon, the cloudiness. During the afternoon and night the sky will be very covered in practically all of Catalonia.

Until mid-morning, some drizzle is not ruled out in points of the central pre-coastal and in the south of the coast. From midday it will rain in the Pyrenees and the Western Pre-Pyrenees. Already in the afternoon, the showers will arrive in an isolated way to other parts of Catalonia. It is possible that four drops will fall at night in the Barcelona metropolitan area. The precipitation will be weak in general and will be accompanied by mud. The snow level will be at 2,800 meters.

The temperatures they will experience little change, although the highs are expected to drop a bit. The atmosphere in the central hours of the day, despite that, will be very soft.

Banks of fog will hinder visibility at various points. Airborne dust is still present and will help keep the sky cloudy.

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Starting at mid-morning, the wind from the south will be reinforced at high levels of the northern end of the Pyrenees, with very strong gusts that can reach 25 meters per second. The Generalitat has activated warnings due to the force of the wind in those areas.

The day of All Saints will lower the thermometers and the clouds and the sporadic risk of a shower will continue. The drop in temperatures will continue until Thursday, a day that will also be marked by rainfall.
