Rioting car driver leaves debris, baseball bat and lots of money behind!

By Ole Kröning, Timo Beurich and Dirk Böttger

You don’t want this gentleman as a neighbor and he obviously doesn’t belong on the street either! An Audi driver (32) left behind a landscape of debris from destroyed cars after several accidents on Martin-Luther-Strasse in Schöneberg. He then fled to demolish a house entrance and an apartment door. Police found a baseball bat and over $4,000 in his car. In his apartment a large amount of drugs.

The 32-year-old’s odyssey began with complaints about a disturbance of the peace in a residential building on Kalckreuthstrasse. Residents had alerted the police on Wednesday night because “Rotzi” was rioting again. He had stalked through the house screaming and rumbling loudly. The man from the third floor owes his nickname to his unpleasant habit of spitting out of his window at passers-by. His neighbors aren’t safe either.

When the police arrived, the rioter was gone. Neighbors had seen him speed away in his Audi with no lights on. Only A short time later there was a crash. At 11:50 p.m. he crashed into several cars on Martin-Luther-Strasse, then crashed into the rear of a taxi. According to the police, a total of three parked and two moving cars were significantly damaged. The axle on a parked Volvo broke, and a rear wheel was torn out.

The Audi driver crashed into the rear of the taxi

The Audi driver crashed into the rear of the taxi Photo: Spreepicture

The speeder left a field of rubble on the street. Despite significant injuries, he still fled to a nearby house. There he first demolished the front door with kicks and then banged his fist on an apartment door. Even when the police tried to arrest him, he continued to riot and rage.

What remained was a field of rubble on the street with a car tire torn out

What remained was a field of rubble on the street with a car tire torn out Photo: Spreepicture

With the help of residents of the house, the police were finally able to overpower him. He was treated by an ambulance and taken to the hospital. The police found a baseball bat in his car and more than 4,000 euros in loose bills in the footwell on the driver’s side! When searching his home, investigators found a large amount of marijuana.

The police count the money left behind

The police count the money left behind Photo: Spreepicture

A large number of bills were found in the car

The investigators found a lot of banknotes in the car, totaling over 4,000 euros Photo: Spreepicture

Where did the money and drugs come from? The police have not yet been able to question the 32-year-old. According to a spokeswoman, his state of health did not allow this.

The driver also left a baseball bat in the vehicle

The driver also left a baseball bat in the vehicle Photo: Spreepicture

“Rotzi” will still have to answer for the devastating rubble ride. The police have written several criminal complaints. A blood test ordered by the judge should now clarify whether he might have been driving under the influence of drugs.
