Rioter (21) beats the policeman’s nose bloody, who resigns

A police car in action (symbol photo)

An arrest resulted in a physical altercation (symbolic photo) Photo: wst sv

From BZ/dpa

When a suspect was arrested in Berlin-Steglitz, a police officer is said to have kicked the 21-year-old in the face. The man is said to have hit the officer in the face with his fist, causing his nose to bleed profusely, the police said on Saturday.

He is also said to have bitten another officer. The man was taken to the hospital by paramedics for treatment, but he said he left at his own request. The police officer was also treated as an outpatient in the hospital. Proceedings were initiated against the officer who is said to have kicked the 21-year-old on suspicion of physical harm in office.

What happened? The officials were called early on Saturday morning by residents on Brentanostrasse, where the 21-year-old was traveling with a 26-year-old and is said to have hit parked cars several times. According to the information, the rear window of a small car is said to have been broken. When the officials tracked down the couple at Breitenbachplatz and wanted to determine their identity, the 21-year-old is said to have suddenly struck.

It was only with great effort and with the help of an irritant spray device that the emergency services managed to bring the aggressive 21-year-old to the ground and handcuff him, it said. According to the information, he is said to have bitten another officer in the upper arm, so that he had to stop working after treating the wound.

The 21-year-old is being investigated on suspicion of property damage, bodily harm and resistance to and physical assault on law enforcement officials.


Berlin police arrest bodily harm
