riot in the net! Barca tweet to tease Lewandowski change

Is the interchangeable theater around Robert Lewandowski now over? Apparently, FC Bayern and FC Barcelona have agreed to change the star striker. A tweet from the Catalans on Friday evening could indicate an imminent implementation.

Robert Lewandowski’s training session on Friday morning could have been his last in a Bayern jersey. A departure from Poland to FC Barcelona is apparently getting closer.

After it had previously leaked that a new, significantly higher offer had been received from Barca on Säbener Strasse, signs of an agreement became more apparent towards the evening.

A tweet by the Spaniards also caused a stir online. The wording: “Thursday: presentation of Ousmane Dembélé. Friday: presentation of Raphinha. We can’t wait for Saturday.”

Many fans assume that FC Barcelona has already teased the Lewandowski change.

FC Bayern team presentation probably without Lewandowski

In the afternoon, the “Sportbuzzer” portal reported that Lewandowski should not take part in the Munich team presentation on Saturday in the Allianz Arena. The top scorer is also not included in the week-long trip to the USA, which the German champions start on Monday.

Most recently, it was said that the Munich club management, which had so far categorically insisted on their “Basta” and the fulfillment of the contract, would be willing to rethink an offer of 50 million euros plus bonuses. To all appearances, Bayern’s demands have now been met.

Most recently, Lewandowski was back in Munich team training, but was too late for the last three sessions. He probably wanted to underline his desire to change again – probably with success. The unbelievable change posse could come to an end on Saturday.
