Rinnooy Kan chairman Advisory Board legal position political office holders | news item

News item | 22-04-2022 | 15:15

On the proposal of Minister Bruins Slot of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, the Council of Ministers has approved the appointment of the chairman and members of the Advisory Board for the Legal Position of Political Office Holders. Former SER chairman Prof. AHG (Alexander) Rinnooy Kan is appointed chairman of the board. The independent board will provide advice on the employment conditions of political office holders.

The other members are:

  • ir. I. (Ingrid) de Bondt (consultant, former dijkgraaf, alderman and deputy);
  • mr. TM (Gerard) Groten (independent chairman of Pension Fund Rail & Public Transport);
  • Prof. MS (Mijke) Houwerzijl (professor of employment law at Tilburg University);
  • Dr JP (Hans) Vollaard (Associate professor at Utrecht School of Public Administration and Organizational Science, University of Utrecht);
  • dr. JPH (Johan) Zwemmer (lawyer and partner at DLA Piper, lecturer and researcher at the University of Amsterdam employment law department).

The council can advise on administrators and representatives of both the national government and local and regional authorities. The advice can therefore relate to ministers, members of parliament, mayors, councilors, members of parliament, commissioners of the King and members of the general boards of water boards.

The Board issues advice to the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and can also advise the Senate and House of Representatives directly. These recommendations concern the employment conditions of political office holders, such as pensions, benefits after resignation or dismissal, salaries and expense allowances.

The establishment of the advisory board stems from the ‘Advisory Board for the Legal Position of Political Office Holders Act’, which came into effect on 1 January 2022. The appointment will take effect on April 28, 2022.
