Ring colors on Amazon Echo and their meaning

The Amazon Echo, better known as Alexa, communicates with users not only by voice. Sometimes the ring on the intelligent speakers also lights up in color. From yellow to red to blue or purple – TECHBOOK reveals the meaning behind Alexa’s brightly colored rings.

Amazon uses the light ring of the Echo or Echo Dot to inform users about the current status. For example, the blue, rotating light of the ring signals that the Echo has understood the activation word “Alexa” and is processing a request. But what if the ring on the Amazon Echo suddenly lights up in a different color? What if it flashes or pulsates in color?

This is behind the bright colors of the Amazon Echo

First of all: Although we are talking about the light ring in the following, some Echo models also have a glowing strip instead of the ring. This is the case, for example, with the Echo Show or the Echo Auto and is due to the design of the devices. However, how the Echo glows does not affect the meaning of the colors.

blue ring

Users see the blue ring most often. Because it appears when the Echo is put into operation or is processing a request. The light of the ring can both rotate and pulsate.

  • Dark blue ring of light indicates a brighter spinning blue light: Amazon Alexa will start.
  • Dark blue ring glows constantly, one corner glows a lighter blue: Alexa is currently processing a request.
  • Ring lights up alternately dark and light blue: Alexa indicates that she is responding.

orange ring

If the ring on the Amazon Echo lights up orange, it indicates that the smart speaker has been put into operation for the first time. However, it also lights up orange if it has lost connection to the network. As soon as users connect the speaker to the power, the Echo tries to connect to a WiFi network. The light ring then rotates until the echo is integrated into the home network.

  • Light ring glows orange and rotates clockwise: Amazon Echo connects to a WiFi network.

To set up Alexa, users are best off using the free for iOS and Android available Amazon Alexa app on their smartphone. In the app, they have to log in with their Amazon customer data and select the option “Set up a new device”. Then select the Echo model that you want to integrate into the home network, click on “Connect to WLAN” and follow the further instructions in the app. Once the Echo is connected to the WiFi network, the orange light ring will disappear.

Also read: For better sound – switch several Amazon Echos in groups

purple ring

If the ring of the Amazon Echo shows the color purple, this can have two causes. Either there was an error with the Wi-Fi connection or the Do Not Disturb mode is enabled.

Purple Ring Pulses: WiFi connection error.

In this case, users should unplug the Echo for about three seconds and then try to connect to the network again. If the Echo still cannot be integrated, this can have various reasons such as an incorrect WiFi password, router firmware that is too old or the WiFi network being overloaded. How you can proceed in these cases is described Amazon in its help forum.

Purple ring flashes rhythmically: Do Not Disturb mode is on.

With the Echo, you can turn off alerts or notifications for calls, messages, and drop-ins using the device button in the Alexa app. In this case, the light ring lights up purple. The mode is called “Do not disturb” and can be activated and deactivated using a slider. Users can also set a specific period of time using the “schedule”.

red ring

Privacy is a constant issue with smart speakers. In order to be able to process commands and requests, the microphones are permanently active. If users do not want this, they can be switched off using the microphone button on the echo. In this case, the loudspeaker shows a red ring.

Solid red ring: The Amazon Echo’s microphones are disabled.

yellow ring

Sometimes the Amazon Echo’s light ring will pulse yellow. In these cases, a notification is stored for the user. This could be shipping information about an Amazon order, for example.

Yellow pulsating ring: A message has been deposited.

To access the notifications, users can use the following voice commands: “Alexa, play my messages” or “Alexa, what are my notifications?”.

white ring

The volume of the Echo can be changed directly on the device. If users set the audio output louder or quieter, a rotating, white ring appears in this case. It will disappear once the volume change is complete.

Rotating white ring: Volume of the Amazon Echo is changed.

green ring

With the Amazon Echo, users can also call other Echo owners if they wish. In this case, the light ring lights up green. However, Amazon distinguishes between two statuses:

Green ring is pulsing: A call or drop-in on the Amazon Echo comes in.

Green ring rotates counterclockwise: Users are in an active conversation. Or there is an active drop-in on the Amazon Echo.
