Rijsenhouters with tail between their legs by ‘killer cat’: “First the dog, then you”

“I now call him the karate cat,” says Rijsenhout resident Melissa Korfer, who witnessed an attack by the cat in January. She hasn’t seen him since, but even the police now have the cat in their sights.

Last week the cat attacked a dog and its owner in the corridor from the Boeierstraat to the Zeilhof while they were walking. The dog was injured in the mouth and the owner has to get new jeans. After a resident called for the cat to be kept indoors, the local police officer visited the cat’s owner earlier this week.

The now infamous gray cat has attacked a dog and owner several times in the corridor from the Boeierstraat to the Zeilhof. After the cat struck again last week, local residents named it the ‘killer cat’.

Previous attacks

The owner of a labradoodle saw his dog being attacked by the cat. The owner stood in front of her dog, but the cat didn’t care. He jumped against the woman and dug his nails into her jeans. The woman tried to shake the cat off and fell to the ground. “It really was a movie.”

For a possible explanation for the cat’s behavior, NH called Maaike de Smid, who worked as a cat behavior therapist. According to De Smit, aggressive behavior in cats can be caused by fear or pain.
