Rijkswaterstaat warns against road congestion due to farmer protests

The large-scale farmer protests announced for Wednesday could cause heavy traffic. Rijkswaterstaat warns road users to take into account traffic jams, closed slip roads and other traffic nuisances. Particularly in the middle and east of the Netherlands and around The Hague, heavy traffic is expected.

Various farmers’ organizations have announced that they will demonstrate against the cabinet’s nitrogen plans on Wednesday. The largest protest has been announced in the village of Stroe in the municipality of Kroon, but demonstrations can also take place elsewhere in the country. Rijkswaterstaat is in any case announcing that from 06:00 the entrance and exit 17 of the A1 highway at Stroe will be closed. Additional road inspectors and road traffic controllers are also being deployed.

Also read: What will the great farmers’ protest of tomorrow mean?

Road users are warned to be aware of agricultural vehicles on the road. “Keep speed differences into account and adjust your driving style accordingly: keep your distance and reduce your speed,” said the government service. Farmers are warned not to use their tractors on the highway. “The police can enforce this,” writes Rijkswaterstaat.

It is also recommended to work from home tomorrow if possible, otherwise check the traffic information before departure to avoid possible traffic problems.
