Rijkswaterstaat settles the construction of the Afsluitdijk for 238 million euros

Rijkswaterstaat has settled a dispute for 238 million euros with the Levvel construction consortium in a dispute about work on the Afsluitdijk. That is what Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management Mark Harbers (VVD) writes on Friday evening a letter to the Chamber† Levvel is formed by BAM, Van Oord and Rebel.

The renovation started in 2018 because the dike no longer met the legal standards for water safety. Provisions also had to be made to drain more water. The plan was that the reinforcement and renewal would be completed this year, on the ninetieth anniversary of the Afsluitdijk.

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Incorrect information

Already in 2019 it became clear that the project would take longer, because several Levvel designs had to be adapted. This was because Rijkswaterstaat had provided the company with incorrect information. The 238 million now being eligible will cover ‘costs incurred primarily as a result of design changes, disruption to execution and delay costs incurred’. Harbers writes that “a large part” of the work will be completed before the end of the year. It is not clear when the entire project will be completed.

In addition to the millions of euros, it has also been agreed to remove the work and maintenance of the discharge sluices from the contract with Levvel. These activities are now being tendered again and will therefore be completed later than planned. Cost savings that are made in this way are partly used to finance the settlement.

The settlement applies to only part of the disputes between Rijkswaterstaat and Levvel. In 2023, a committee will look into the ongoing disagreements between the two parties. It has been agreed that a maximum of 87 million euros in compensation will be provided.
