Rijkswaterstaat files a report against waste dumpers: ‘We follow them with our cameras’ | Farmer’s actions

According to her, Rijkswaterstaat works closely with the police and the Public Prosecution Service (OM) to track down the perpetrators. “They follow the cameras with us, so that those people can be traced.”

Blom also stated in the program that Rijkswaterstaat employees have been threatened in recent days. It was already known that this also happened to contractors, after they cleared blockages of the highways. Some contractors have stopped working for that reason.

Police chief Willem Woelders announced earlier today that farmers risk years of prison sentences if it can be proven that they have endangered human lives. Over the past few days, several accidents have occurred due to unsuspecting motorists driving on top of a pile of manure or waste.

“A small group of farmers is radicalising. They cross all boundaries of our democratic society,” said Woelders.

In some places, asbestos was also dumped or fires were set. “That puts people’s lives at risk, it really goes beyond all limits,” said Woelders. regardless of the damage that can also be recovered from them.” That is why Rijkswaterstaat reports environmental offences.

Police said this morning that no one has been arrested yet for the actions that have taken place since yesterday morning. “With the resources we have available, we will first look at what happened.” This therefore includes looking out for camera images from Rijkswaterstaat.

Watch our videos about the farmer actions below:
