Rijkentaks is said to be available for Georges-Louis Bouchez (MR), which is liberal and which will cost 25,000 euros

For Mr. Georges-Louis Bouchez, there is absolutely nothing to be said about it. We will see more mensen at the work site where the work is better than expected. Every student between the ages of 18 and 25 gets a ‘younger capital’ of 25,000 euros bovenop.

Ann De BoeckApril 28, 202220:15

Forget the socialists and the communists. MR is the real part of the work. With the boodschap trekt before Georges-Louis Bouchez coming day, op de Dag van de Work, near het hol van de Leeuw. The Franstalige liberalen verzamelen op een oude industrial site in Herstal, a rood bolwerk was driekwart van de people op links stemt.

Can’t you wait for the socialists to be jennen?

Bouchez: “I would like to have a symbolic location. PS and PTB are enormously strong in Herstal, because there are many people who have jobs there. That proves that the left recipes don’t work. MR zet work opnieuw centraal. This is a strategic goal. If there is more to come from the working class and from any of the hard work, it is not so much a job.”

How gaat u doen that?

“Niets is vervelender dan Merkt dat je buurman bijna evenveel of zelfs meer overhoudt dan jij, hoewel die buurman niet werkt. Hij krijgt een sociale huurwoning, energiecheques, voedselpakketten, noem maar op solidarity. That’s a pity. Miljoenen mensen in that country did a job was ze not van dromen, but it was near the door. There should have been more money, with a higher income.”

We hear the analysis, but what is the resolution?

“The presentation of MR to court in three groups: younger, full and retired. For young people between 18 and 25 years we will have a ‘Jongerenkapitaal’ on the table. There is a budget of 25,000 euros, regardless of the situation, may be opnemen. This can be done in an amount of 300 euros per month. The reason why is that the money was used for a study project, it was used from a first property of om a bedrijfsactiviteit te start.

“Jongeren krijgen zo de kans om hun toekomst zelf in handen te nemen. Neem nu de caricature discussie over Molenbeek. Naturally, Molenbeek is a part of Belgium, but it is actually a paradox. At 8 percent of the youth he holds a diploma hoger onderwijs. So krijgen ze minder kansen in het leven. Please note: de Werkzaamheidsgraad he ligt 20 percent onder het gemiddelde, het jaarinkomen is 10,000 euros in storage per person. We would like to avoid that you don’t look after yourself for a long time.”

Is it possible for a check to be sent?

“Of course not, we want a complete system here. So we will also fail for a fiscal amount of 7 million euros to increase the cooperation of the works. There is an increase in the amount of the tax in the amount of 14 to 28 euros per day. Pensioners must have a higher minimum pension than at least one that is effectively raised in the loop.”

Uw plans cost sea dan 10 million euros. What are you doing?

“Het younger capital is not compatible with the children’s bijslag, so we want to add that neighborhood has to have one and the other. Also other social spaces, such as inschakelingsuitkeringen and workloosheidsuitkeringen, we add from 18 to 25-year-olds want terugschroeven.

“When we bovendien also de werkzaamheidsgraad opkrikken around 80 percent, so as we raised afgeproken in het regeerakkoord, he added 670,000 more people to the slag zijn. That is 26 million euros extra for the federal state. With the best come when he sees it.”

Tot nu toe does Vivaldi little om sea mensen aan het work te krijgen. De discussie zit muurvast.

“When het aan de MR lay, we stonden al verder. Maar goed, we zijn vooral met corona, de oorlog in Oekraïne en de kernuitstap bezig weweest. I’ll be around right now if there’s a war going on.”

The socialists zullen u dat nooit gunnen.

“There’s a problem, it’s knocking. Maar we zullen hen proberen te overtuigen. Soms hebben other parts wat hulp nodig, soals u heeft noted by de kernuitstap.”

What is the value of a rijkentaks of a higher bijdrage door bedrijven the vehicle winst boeken? Bijna all Vivaldi parts penetrate daar op aan.

“For MR is het duidelijk: géén nieuwe belastingen op wie werkt, spaart of invested. We have that special in het regeerakkoord lateen opnemen. You no, ok geen rijkentaks. He bestaat trouwens al zoiets in de vorm van een effectentaks.”

Critici verwijten u profileringsdrang op kap van de regering. U voedt de antipolitiek in drijft kiezers in de armen van extreme parts, het klinkt.

“How dat zegt is completely sold. Is het my fout dat Marine Le Pen zo strong state in Frankrijk? How much percent of the Italians can you do with a populist? Did the Americans throw up Donald Trump? The problem is that the mid-class he’s going to have is that he op achteruitgaat. Ze plooit zich terug op zichzelf en hoopt op een terugkeer naar de wereld van vroeger, die nooit meer terugkomt. We would like there to be a fair amount of coherent behavior over time.”

Door brandjes te stabten op Twitter?

“Dus als ik mijn mond hou, dan zou deze regering fantastic works? Onzin. I’ll tell you what he leeft by the heels of the people. That is my option. I was about to tremble before other parties pleaded.”
